Ok, so I just got a new Nikon, well not really new, I bought it at a vintage fair. I know, I know,  it's like I have a partially vintage style blog so I gotta have a vintage camera! Just can't stop ha.  When I first started blogging I only used my phone because I thought what the heck, they look fine, the pics are pretty clear, and if socialite barbie can use it, so could I.  Remember her? The barbie that had the most amazing Instagram, well she only used her iPhone. This is how I think sometimes people. Clearly I had no idea what I was doing. I'm still learning!

So I got this new camera and I did all this research on what lens to buy. I purchased this sweet new lens and it takes pictures that are ten times better than an iPhone. Take note above, although I still have to actually get another lens but I won't get into too many details.

I've been working with professional photographers to take my blog photos, but I really need to start taking my own. I don't always have the time to schedule in shoots. So I bought this awesome new camera and had no idea how to use it!

If you live in Chicago you probably know Blair Staky from her chic blog The Fox & She and Jess Keys from her fabulous blog The Golden Girl Blog. These two have a site together called Blogging For Keeps.  They have advice, tips, classes, workshops, basically everything on being a successful blogger. I absolutely love it and highly recommend it if you are new to blogging, interested in it, or even if you already have a thriving blog.

Last weekend was perfect,  they had an awesome class at Jess's home in Wicker park on photography. Just what I needed! Lets just say I learned a lot on what NOT to do anymore ha.  They had a slideshow at one point and it said "What's wrong with this picture?" I honestly in my head thought, "Absolutely nothing, its beautiful." Ha!  I clearly had a lot to understand.

Blair and Jess said they're always learning too so I didn't feel so bad.  They also went into detail on how to have your husband, bf, or fiance take a photo. Teaching them to understand a few things, such as not cutting off your feet etc.

Jess's fiance helped out with a little slideshow about that.  I wasn't aware of how many bloggers have their significant other take their photos. I always feel bad for Tim when he's struggling and trying to take my picture and worried that I'm going to get mad. I would wonder if I'm this horrible vain wife making this poor guy take photos of me. It felt nice to connect with other girls who are doing the exact same thing and that its completely normal. So I guess Tim just has to get use to it, and I of course need to be patient with him. We have fun with it but sometimes it could get a little annoying (I'm sure more for Tim).

The class was from 10am-5pm so we had a lot of time to learn, play with our cameras, test, shoot, drink mimosas, and ask questions.  I met some awesome Chicago bloggers and I'm so glad I went. I'm really looking forward to connecting again and for future events.

Hope everyone had an awesome week, looking forward to this coming weekend, vintage fair time! I'll be sharing my new finds from that in my digital diary next week.

