Door County Wisconsin is not that far, only a 2 hour drive or so from our house in Deerfield, IL.  The cute shops, horse back riding, and charm made me want to stay an extra week but we had to get back.

I use to horse back ride a lot in Lake Forest, IL growing up with my sister (We are not from Lake Forest, IL we just took lessons there and my mom's friend owned the stable.  She's also my sister's God mother) so I have some experience. Not to mention horse back riding in Poland with my dad in the multiple stables his friends has.  There is a story of me on a horse in Poland.  Not trotting, not cantering, not even galloping, it was like racing. I decided at that point that I would just jump off because I thought I would die.  The horse returned to the stable without me and my father had to come find me. I was in the bushes just in shock and waited for someone to come get me. They were like "where is Amelia?"  Anyway, My father made me get back on the horse and ride it all the way back to the house/stable where we were staying to face my fear.  

So we went horse back riding and it was more of a tourist trail ride which I was completely fine with!  It felt different, like I had to remember how to even hold the reins. Going from horse jumping (riding and jumping over fences at age 8 or so) to a tourist ride and feeling tired felt kind of weird.  I am definitely getting older. Maybe one day Tim and I will have our own horse and I can practice more like I did when I was young.

Anyway the farm and animals were so adorable and so was the food! We will definitely be coming back this summer. 

Overalls and sweatshirt are from Winnetka Thrift Shop in Winnetka, IL

                                            Vintage Fish Jacket from vintage fair and never for sale.